When we start computer, the operating system file are store in RAM, RAM is a temporary memory where files are stored and when we shutdown our computer this mamory become washout. Suppose if you play a game and run the executibale files of game, these files goes to RAM and it runs from RAM, after quiting from game, the computer can remove the unnecessary files from RAM, so that other files can place in RAM, thus if you need to speed up your computer then more RAM is required for it. If you have more RAM your processor will be free for other tasks because it will not process your requests again and again from hard drives, another reason is that, that the speed of reading and writing RAM is fast than the Harddrive. The BIOS also run your start up files in RAM during boot process. There are several types of RAMs in market, such as SDR (Single Data Rate) is the older one, after that DDR, DDR2 & DDR3 are the new ones, which supprt greater speed than SDR, if you use one type of RAM then it will not work with the other type of RAM you must be pluged both of the RAMs as the same type.
When we start computer, the operating system file are store in RAM, RAM is a temporary memory where files are stored and when we shutdown our computer this mamory become washout. Suppose if you play a game and run the executibale files of game, these files goes to RAM and it runs from RAM, after quiting from game, the computer can remove the unnecessary files from RAM, so that other files can place in RAM, thus if you need to speed up your computer then more RAM is required for it. If you have more RAM your processor will be free for other tasks because it will not process your requests again and again from hard drives, another reason is that, that the speed of reading and writing RAM is fast than the Harddrive. The BIOS also run your start up files in RAM during boot process. There are several types of RAMs in market, such as SDR (Single Data Rate) is the older one, after that DDR, DDR2 & DDR3 are the new ones, which supprt greater speed than SDR, if you use one type of RAM then it will not work with the other type of RAM you must be pluged both of the RAMs as the same type.