
Bus (Topology)
In Bus Topology a single wire is used for network, and only one cable is used as a communication medium, which is cheap from other topologies. Installation of cabling is easy and all network computers, printers and other peripherals are connected with this main cable. 10Base-2 & 10Base T types of cables are used in this topology. This Topology is very effective in small networks where  network resources are limited,  usually 10 to 20 computers is suffient in this network to maintain properly. The break in cable or if the computer is physically disconnected from main cable without proper method, or any other devise which is disconnected from main cable may disable all the network to function, and communication between all computer can break.

Ring (Topology)
The use of this Topology is very rare now a days. In this topology all the computers and network devices are connected with one single cable and the token (FDDI, SONET or Token) in this topology move clock wise or either anti-clock wise. Like bus topology if the cable is break, or any computer may disconnect from main cable without proper way this will disable the network to function. This topology is usefully in office, schools, or buildings.

Star (Topology)
This Topology is very useful, and all the computers, printers, and other devices are connected with the central device called (hub, switch or router) this topology is very useful in schools, buildings, and in offices,  the advantage of this topology is that, if one computer is disconnected from network or if a cable is break, this will not effected the remaining network, but if a central devise like hub, switch, or router my damage will break down the entire network, In this network the UTP or STP cable are used. In this network more cabling is required, so it is costly as compare with bus Topology.

Tree (Topology)
If multiple Star Topology is connected on a linear or bus topology, this is called Tree Topology. In this Topology all the computers connected with each hub and these hubs are then connected with main cable as in bus topology.

Mesh (Topology)
In start, bus, and tree topologies when a user send a data to another device on network, this data was broadcasted on network which make network busy and slow down the performance of overall network, but in mesh topology the data is send directly to the destination through router, a router find the shortest route to send the data directly to the targeted computer.