
Windows explorer Short Cuts
CTRL & A. Select all
CTRL & C. Copy
CTRL & V. Past
CTRL & D. Add the page in favourt
CTRL & E. To open the IE search utility.
CTRL & F. To start searching in browser.

CTRL & H. To see the browser history.
CTRL & I. To open the favourts
CTRL & L. CTRL &O. Go to your location.
CTRL & N. Open new window.
CTRL & P. To print the current page/document.
CTRL & R (F5). To refresh the web page.
CTRL & S. To save the document.
CTRL & W. To close the windows explorer.
ALT & HOME. Go to default home page.
ALT & right arrow key. (Forward button) To move forward one window.
ALT & left arrow key. (Back button) To move back one window

Keyboard shortcuts
Win + L (lock the workstation)
Win + F (F3) (for searching)
Win + Ctrl + F (To search computers in LAN)
Win + U (To open utility manager i.e MS Narrator)
Win + Pause (To open system properties)
Win + Tab (to move between taskbar run programs) if you want to move reverse use shift key with WIN and TAB buttons like win+tab+shift.
Alt + F4: To close active window (also used to shutdown the PC if all programs are closed)
Shift is also use to ignore the Autoplay (if CD is loading)
If you press shift key during login process all applications will be ignored, only the programs in the registry (Microsoft \ windows \ currentversion \ run) will run.
Ctrl + Alt + Delete (To start Task Manager).
Print Screen (use to copy the screen to clipboard)
Alt + Print screen (is use to copy the screenshot to clipboard).
Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow (invert the screen)
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow (you may use it to re-invert the screen)
Ctrl + W  (if you want to close the current window)
Ctrl + F4 (if you want to close child window or tab)
F11: (Toggle)
Alt or F10 (To activate menu bar)
Alt + Space (To display the system menu, as you do it with mouse)
Escape (If you want to close the menu)
Alt + Enter (to view the properties of item)
F2 (used for renaming)
Shift + Delete. (To delete items permanently)
Ctrl + Shift + dragging (To create shortcut)

Right Shift (8 seconds only) to start FilterKeys on or off.
Left Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen (to start High Contrast on or off)
Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock (to start mouse key on or off)
NumLock (for 5 seconds) to start toggle keys on or off
Shift key (5 times) to start sticky keys on or off
Win + L (to log of)
Win + P (to open the P manager)
Win + C (to open the control panel)
Win + V (to open the clipboard)
Win + K (to open keyboard properties)
Win + I (to open mouse properties)
Win + A (to open accessibility properties)
Win + Space (to open MS intelli type shortcuts)
Win + S (to on or off capslock)

Remote Desktop Connection
Ctrl + Alt + End (to open NT security Dialog)
Alt + Page up (to switch between programs) if you want to switch programs in reverse
Alt + Insert
Alt + Home (to display start menu)
Ctrl + Alt + Break (this command is used if you want to switch the computer (client) between a window & a full screen
Alt + Delete (To display the Windows menu)
Ctrl + Alt + Numpadminus (if you want a snapshot of your client computer into your clipboard) this command is same as you do Alt + PrintScreen on a local computer
Ctrl + Alt + Numpadplus (if you want a snapshot of your client computer to your
Terminal’s server clipboard) this command is same as the PrintScreen do it to you.

Remote Desktop Connection
Ctrl + Alt + End (to open NT security Dialog)
Alt + Page up (to switch between programs) if you want to switch programs in reverse then Alt + Page down.
Alt + Insert
Alt + Home (to display start menu)
Ctrl + Alt + Break (this command is used if you want to switch the computer (client) between a window & a full screen
Alt + Delete (To display the Windows menu)
Ctrl + Alt + Numpadminus (if you want a snapshot of your client computer into your clipboard) this command is same as you do Alt + PrintScreen on a local computer
Ctrl + Alt + Numpadplus (if you want a snapshot of your client computer to your terminal server’s clipboard) this command is same as the PrintScreen do it to you
Shortcuts (Mozilla Firefox)
Ctrl + 1-9 (if you want to switch between tabs corresponding to numbers 1-9)
Ctrl + N (for new window)
Ctrl + T (for new tab)
Ctrl + L F6 or Alt + D (switch to location bar)
Ctrl + Enter (to open new location)
Shift + Enter (to open location) in new window
Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E (if you want to switch focus to search bar)
Ctrl + O (if you want to open a local file)
Ctrl + W (if you want to close window if only one window is open)
Ctrl + Shift + W (if you want to close window)
Ctrl + S (if you want to save page)
Ctrl + P (use for printing, if you want to print the current page)
Ctrl + F or F3 (if you want to search)
Ctrl + G or F3 (if you want to search one item again and again)
Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 (if you want to search previous items)
Ctrl + B or Ctrl + I (use to pen bookmarks sidebar)
Ctrl + H (if you want to see the history)
Escape (if you want to stop the page to be load)
Ctrl + R or F5 (if you want to refresh current page or reload the page)
Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5 (if you want to refresh the current page and want to bypass the cashes)
Ctrl + U (if you want to see the source of page)
Ctrl + D (if you want to bookmark page)
Ctrl + NumpadPlus, Ctrl + Equals (+/=) (to increase font size)
Ctrl + NumpadMinus, Ctrl + Minus (to decrease  size)
Ctrl + Numpad0, Ctrl + 0 (to set font size to default level)
Alt + Left or Backspace (to go back)
Alt + Right, Shift + Backspace (to move forward)
Alt + Home (to open home page)
Ctrl + M (to open new message)
Ctrl + J (to open Downloads)
F6 (to move to next frame)
Shift + F6 (to move previous frame)
Apostrophe ( ' ) (to find link)
Slash ( / ) (to search text)
Gmail Shortcuts
(note: keyboard short cuts must be settled first)
C (use to new message)
Shift + C (to compose new message in new window)
( /  Slash) is use to move to search box)
K (move to next email)
J  (move to older email)
P (move to previous message)
U (you will be back to your mail box)
R (to reply the email)
A (if you want to reply all recipients)
F (to forward mail)
Shift + R (if you want to reply in new window)
Shift + A (if you want to reply to all senders in new window)
Shift + F (if you want to forward the mail in new window)
Shift + 1 ( ! ) (if you want to mark mail as spam

Command Prompt (functions keys)
(Remember that the buffer of command prompt store fifty command and when the 51 command applied the first one is replaced with last one)
F3 is use to repeat the last command you applied
F6 same as Control + Z
F7 show you the command line history
Alt + Enter is use to switch full screen mode
Esc is use to delete line

XP shortcuts
Win Key  + M is use to minimize all window.
Win + Shift + M is use to max all windows Maximizes All Windows
Win + E is use to run win explorer
Win + R is use to open run dialog box
Win + F is use to open search result dialog box
Win + control + F is use to open the dialog box to search a computer connected to a LAN
Win + break is use to show the system properties
System Key
Control + Esc is use to open start menu
Alt + Tab is useful when you want to switch between programs
Alt + F4 is use if you want to quit from program
Shift + Del is use to delete a file permanently
F10 is use to activate menu bar option
Control + Esc is use to start menu

F2 is use to rename the object
F3 is use to find the file
Alt + enter is use to show the properties of an object
If you want to copy a file just hold down the control key and drag the file to another folder where you want to copy a file.
If you want to create a shortcut of a file just hold down the control + shift keys and dreag the file.
F5 is use to refresh the current window.
F6 is use if you want to move among panes

Explorer tree
Num keypad * (If you want to expand everything in current selection)
Win logo + R is use to start Run dialog box
Win logo + E to run Win explorer
Control + win logo + tab is use to shirt focus to the quick launch
Win logo + tab is use to cycle between taskbar buttons
Win logo + L is use to log off from windows.
Win logo + P is use to start print manager.
Win logo + C is use to start control panel
Win logo + V is use to start clipboard
Win logo + K is use to show keyboard properties
Win logo + I is use to show mouse properties
Win logo + A is use to show accessibility options
Win logo + spacebar is use to show you MS Intellitype shortcuts
Win logo + S is use to start capslock on & off