This is 5th generation wireless system, know as 5G, 5G not only provide you very high internet speed, it will connect billion of devices at the same time, now you can be able to travel in driver less vehicles and will control your home appliance remotely. It will make possible to you that you can play and enjoy online games with very high speed and graphics.
This Technology will provide you very fast, secure, less latency speed. I will provide you 1Gbps download speed hundred times faster you are using now, the next amazing feature of 5G is it will be available soon at 20GB highest speed per second
This is 5th generation wireless system, know as 5G, 5G not only provide you very high internet speed, it will connect billion of devices at the same time, now you can be able to travel in driver less vehicles and will control your home appliance remotely. It will make possible to you that you can play and enjoy online games with very high speed and graphics.
This Technology will provide you very fast, secure, less latency speed. I will provide you 1Gbps download speed hundred times faster you are using now, the next amazing feature of 5G is it will be available soon at 20GB highest speed per second