Now Facebook allow their teen users to post publically on their facebook profile.
The Teen users (13 to 17) was previously allowed only to show their posts to Friends of Friends. while the kids were allowed to change it. This new policy allow teen users to show their posts to public and also for fellow members too.
Prevsously the default setting for posting was Friends of Friends but now the defaul is Friends only, after the new policy the teen
agers will be remineded/ warned with popups notices that their posts will be open for general publics.
Is Facebook want to Inrease revenue?
Other social sites like Twitter and Tumblr allow teenagers to post things publicly, and I think the facebook now want to compet with
them and engagement more users to attact adertisers and earn more money, but according to Facebook officials they said that this is not their primary concerns. Facebook Book Officialy says that if the teenagers want to share their personal things that there are many ways and site to share things personaly. According to Facebook the Parents can easily monitor their kids wheither their stufs are public or private.