Change the Name of Windows Owner

Change the name of organization and owner name of Win
If you want to change the name of organization and owner name of Win Xp, but it does not mean that you can register your illegal software.

Go to the following registry key
Hkey _ Local _ Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Nt \ Currentversion
Modify  / here create the string value with the name (Organization Name or Owner Name) Value Date (Settings) (modify value)
Exit from registry and restart computer.

Log in and Classic Screen

Log In and Classis Screen
With the help of this registry setting you will set the Screen displayed during Log In session.
Start Registry Editor
 Hkey _ Local _ Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Nt \ Currentversion \ Winlogon Modify / Create DWORD Value of Data type Reg _ DWORD Named (logontype) Value Data (0=Classic Mode, 1=Welcome Screen)
Use 0 for Classic Mode and 1 for Welcome Screen.
Exit from registry and restart the computer.

Error Reports

Error Report (Internet Explorer)
If you want to stop the error reporting message in Internet Explorer to send errors reports to MS.
Go to the following Registry
Keyhkey _ Local _ Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main
Modify / Create Dword Value Of Data Type Reg_Dword (iewatsonenabled)
Value Data (0=disabled,1=enabled)
Modify / Create Dword Value Of Data Type Reg_Dword Named (iewatsondisabled)
Value Data (0=disabled,1=enabled)
exit from registry and restart your computer.

Logon Message Customization

Logon Box Message customization
Goto Stat-Run and type Regedit
Then goto the following registry key
Hkey_Local_Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows Nt \ Currentversion \ Winlogon
Modify / (here create Value (string) Data Type Reg_Sz named [logonpormpt]
In value data type your message
Exit from registry and restart your computer