How to uninstall XP from Dos prompt
Start computer in command prompt (safe mode) and type
Cd \ enter-
then go to the following folder
in this folder type the following command and press enter
then go to the following folder
in this folder type the following command and press enter
follow the instruction on screen and it will carry you on previous operating system
This is useful if you create an image of previous operating system (during windows upgrade) only the users logon as administrator or admin have admin rights can do this
This is useful if you create an image of previous operating system (during windows upgrade) only the users logon as administrator or admin have admin rights can do this
Delete undeletable files in XP
Go to Command prompt and then without closing it start task manager and in task manager go to processes and click on Explorer.exe file and then click End process, after that go to command prompt window and go to the directory from where you want to delete files, after deleting files go back to task manager and click on new task and type Explorer.exe to start the Graphical User interface Shell, It is done.